CatholicBibliophagist links to the funniest thing I've seen in a long time: A daring medical operation to separate conjoined peep quintuplets.
I saw this in hour ten of eleven that I spent in the office yesterday, which would explain why my coworkers approached my cube (hearing sounds of gasping and choking) and asked, "Darwin, are you alright?"
Further investigation reveals, you should also not check out the study on the dangers to peeps involved in drinking and smoking:
3 hours ago
Considering the peep's body weight, smoking a whole cigarette would induce a fatal heart attack.
Oh, that's nothing. You should see the carnage when a peep smokes a whole cigarette while swimming in 190 proof alcohol.
I'll certainly never drink and smoke now! (not that I was planning to...)
Funny stuff. Though anyone who has spent a night with a couple packs of smokes and a bottle 80 proof Cuervo knows by feeling how the peep would look...
Ha! That's the funniest thing I've seen all day! Try putting them in the microwave. Hours of enjoyment and carnage...
To Mrs. Darwin: When are ya gonna put up some more chant for us to enjoy? I love hearing you sing!
Anna: I need a night when the girls go to bed early enough that my voice isn't already worn out from the day's yelling. :)
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