I'm never sure how angry to get about these kind of things, because on the one hand I'm pretty sure that Amazon sells a lot of stuff that they themselves consider offensive, at least to an extent. Nonetheless, I think this crosses the line into the territory of stuff they just shouldn't be selling: Bumper stickers that say "My Catholic Priest is Dating Your Son". (Do a search for "Catholic" under the automotive catagory and it's the top thing you get.)
Now, to be fair, Amazon is not the actual seller for these items, it's one of their vendors BumperArt. So it's possible that Amazon doesn't actually know BumperArt put these up. If that's the case, it would seem that it's time for them to find out and do something about it.
5 hours ago
So, how will you let them know?
I took the easy way and emailed them here:
I suppose I should go through my stockholder package and see if there's a way I can make a complaint through human channels.
You could try lightening up... Lots of bumperstickers are unfunny or offensive to some. The Church isn't off limits for humor yet, is she?
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