It seems that on that side of the pond, it doesn't just mean using both hands...
BearingBlog links to a review at of a fascinating-sounding book: Guns and Violence: The English Experience. (Here's the review.)
As you may know, the Brits have pretty much banned all civilian gun possession. Plus they've passed regulations against self-defense -- sending a number of citizens who have used guns and other weapons to defend themselves to jail for lengthy sentences. However, far from producing a safer society, this has resulted in a marked increase in violent crime in Britain, for the simple reason that criminals can be far more confident that no law abiding citizens will resist them. London now ranks higher in violent crime than Chicago, apparently.
It's got to the point where the gun control movement is pretty much dead in the US. If only Britons could be so lucky...
1 hour ago
The gun control movement is not dead here by any stretch. It's just not expedient for them to pursue their evil designs at this time given the makeup of the legislature and the president. Let's see what happens after the 2008 election...
You're right. I suppose it would be better to say that the gun control movement is in remission than actually gone...
Still, it seems like one of the few lessons the Democrats have learned is that getting on the wrong side of the NRA results in them losing seats faster than almost anything else. The NRA seems to have the ideal combination of large amounts of money, an achievable agenda, and HUGE grassroots support to really put fear into the hearts of legislators.
Though if the Dems take over, I'll still make that a good excuse to pick up another gun or two. It never hurts... Maybe that's when it's time to finally buy an 'assault rifle'.
I am still bitter at Clinton for ensuring that we will probably never get to buy M14's.
Because of the bayonet, untill a few months ago my Enfield was considered an "assault rifle," in some states.
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