Truer words: "Parents are not interested in justice, just quiet!" -- Bill Cosby
The quote is at 1:35.
This is particularly appropriate for the feast of St. Joseph, the one father in the world's history who surely didn't have to put up with all this.
5 hours ago
...St. Joseph, the one father in the world's history who surely didn't have to put up with all this.
That's God's twisted sense of justice. The guy most equipped to deal with the fallen nature of the innocents gets the perfect Child. the rest of us have to stumble around and pull our hair out.
Happy St. Joseph Day! My patron!
I see you found it....did you watch the one on grandparents? The lines about his mother always make me laugh...
Hilarious--we were just watching it last night On Demand. My two girls love it.
Amazing! I'm not alone. Just wait till my shrink hears about this - maybe I don't need more prozac after all.
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